
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019


THE PRESENT SIMPLE. Simple Present Forms The simple present is just the base form of the verb. Questions are made with  do  and negative forms are made with  do not . Statement: You  speak  English. Question:  Do  you  speak  English? Negative: You  do not speak  English. In the third person singular,  -s  or  -es  is added. Questions are made with  does  and negative forms are made with  does not . Statement: He  speaks  English. Question:  Does  he  speak  English? Negative: He  does not speak  English SUJETO                                    CONJUGACIÓN I, you, we, they talk, eat, learn, do, go… he, she, it talks, eats, learns, does, goes… Para conjugar el presente simple usamos el infinitivo para los sujetos “ I ”, “ you ”, “ we ” y “ they ” y para las terceras personas “ he ”, “ she ” y “ it ”, añadimos una “ -s ” al final del verbo. Nota: Hay excepciones de ortografía en la tercera persona , según la letra en que termi


USE CAN Can  is a modal verb. Can  is used to express  ability  or to say that something is  possible . Can  is the same for all subjects. We don't add an 'S' in the third person (like other verbs) The verb that comes after  Can  is in the infinitive without  to : I  can   speak  Spanish. (= it is possible for me to speak Spanish = I have the ability to speak Spanish) He  can   swim  well. We  can   see  our neighbour in the garden. They  can   play  the guitar. USE CAN'T OR CANNOT Negative To form the negative we add " not " after  can  to form one word:  cannot . We can also contract the negative to form  can't.  (can't = cannot) I  cannot   play  the piano. We  can't   go  to the cinema tonight. She  cannot   speak  French very well. He  can't   drive  a car. Questions To from the question we change the position of the subject and the auxiliary verb. The main verb is still in the infinitive without  to . Whe